The ACTS community seeks to help members of the parish family attain a deeper relationship with God and fellow parishioners through Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. To achieve this goal we hold three-day retreats modeled after the early church. This mission is continued and enhanced with gatherings of the ACTS community and in smaller faith-sharing groups.
ACTS has been at the center of the revitalization of our parish. Over the past years, St. Mary's has hosted numerous weekend retreats (each spring and fall for both men and women), and has transformed and energized the lives of thousands of ACTS brothers and sisters in Fredericksburg and Gillespie County.
ACTS is directed by an ACTS Core (leadership council). There are four adult retreats, two each for men and women, and Faith Formation hosts a Youth ACTS retreat over the Christmas holidays. Once team leaders have been chosen the remainder of the team is selected and then meet once a week for 13 weeks prior to the retreat weekend.
If you would like additional information on ACTS please contact the parish office at 830-997-9523 or e-mail [email protected]. For more information on our Youth Retreat please visit Youth ACTS or our Faith Formation section.